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© 2024 scape pius morger | webdesign: eberle systems

Scape stands for "sound creation and positioning in space„


From Idea to Execution


SCAPE creates sound spaces and sound images for museums, exhibitions, trade shows, theater and dance. On demand, scape will also collaborate with musicians, acousticians and acoustic irradiation experts.


"sound creation"


The base material consists of music and sounds, which consequently get processed, defamiliarized and rearranged in their rhythmic structure. Scape's very own sound archive has access to the most unusual sounds. Sometimes, however, the fastest way to receive a pleasing result is a traditional mircophone recording.


"positioning in space"


Scape accounts for flexibility right up until the day of the showing. Scape also creates the final mixes with an optional amount of discreet channels for every location.




Original track editing and creature sound design - from video shorts to feature film productions.

